What are the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms? (2024)

Escape Room Era's Logo
Escape Room Era Team
March 19, 2024
5 min read
Escape Room Challenges and Mistakes - Alt-description for image.

Escape Room Challenges and Mistakes - Alt-description for image.

What Is the Most Common Mistake People Make in Escape Rooms?

Escape rooms have become increasingly popular as a fun and engaging activity. However, many participants find themselves making the same mistakes during their attempts to solve the puzzles and escape within the time limit. Some of the most common mistakes include overlooking crucial clues, focusing on a single puzzle for too long, and failing to communicate effectively with team members. By being aware of these pitfalls, players can increase their chances of successfully completing the challenge and enjoying the experience to the fullest.

What are the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms? (2024)


Definition and popularity of escape rooms

In recent years, escape rooms have emerged as a popular form of entertainment. These interactive games immerse players in a themed environment, tasking them to solve puzzles, find hidden clues, and ultimately complete a mission within a set time frame, usually an hour or more.

The rise of escape rooms can be attributed to their engaging nature, which appeals to a wide range of audiences. From friends and families seeking a unique bonding experience to corporate teams looking for a fun and challenging team-building activity, escape rooms offer something for everyone.

Escape Room Era, located in Anaheim, California, offers a variety of themed escape rooms, each designed to transport players into a different world. Whether you're a post-apocalyptic survivor searching for a cure in "Overgrown," a private investigator uncovering a serial killer's secrets in "The Hide," a Christmas-themed adventure in "Christmas at Franklins," or a high school student fighting for a better grade in "Principal's Escape Room," there's an escape room experience waiting for you at Escape Room Era.

While escape rooms are undoubtedly entertaining, it's essential to be aware of the most common mistakes players make to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience. In this article, we'll explore common pitfalls and provide tips to help you navigate your next escape room adventure.

Stay tuned for our upcoming section on the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms.

Importance of avoiding common mistakes

Importance of Avoiding Common Mistakes

In the thrilling world of escape rooms, the goal is to work together with your team and solve a series of puzzles and challenges before time runs out. While these interactive experiences can be incredibly fun, there are some common mistakes that can hinder your progress. By understanding and avoiding these pitfalls, you'll have a much more enjoyable and successful escape room adventure.

One of the most common mistakes is not communicating effectively with your teammates. Remember, you're all working towards the same goal. Keep each other informed about any clues or potential solutions you've discovered. This open line of communication will help your team stay on track and avoid wasting time on dead ends.

Another mistake is rushing through challenges without taking the time to carefully examine each clue. Escape rooms are designed to challenge your critical thinking skills, so don't be afraid to take a step back and analyze the situation. Taking a few moments to think through each puzzle could be the difference between success and failure.

Lastly, it's crucial to work together as a team. Escape rooms are all about collaboration and cooperation. Don't let your competitive nature take over, as this could lead to missed clues and unnecessary conflict. Instead, focus on working together, supporting each other's ideas, and building off of each other's strengths.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll be well on your way to conquering your escape room adventure and creating unforgettable memories with your friends and family. So, gather your team, choose your escape room theme, and get ready to put your problem-solving skills to the test!

Communication Errors

Not communicating effectively with team members

One of the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms is not communicating effectively with their team members. In the heat of the game, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget to share crucial information with your team. This can lead to valuable clues being overlooked and can significantly hinder your progress.

To avoid this pitfall, make sure to establish clear lines of communication with your teammates from the very beginning. Encourage everyone to share their observations and ideas, no matter how seemingly insignificant they may be. After all, it's often the smallest detail that can lead to the biggest breakthrough in an escape room.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, either. If you come across a clue that you don't understand or can't quite figure out, speak up and ask your teammates for their input. Chances are, someone else on your team might have a different perspective or a piece of information that can help you solve the puzzle at hand.

In the end, remember that escape rooms are all about teamwork and collaboration. By fostering open communication and a spirit of cooperation among your team members, you'll be well on your way to conquering even the most challenging escape room scenarios. So, keep the lines of communication open, share your thoughts and ideas, and enjoy the thrill of the game together!

Disregarding hints or instructions from game masters

When it comes to escape rooms, communication is key.

Unfortunately, many players make the mistake of disregarding hints or instructions from game masters. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and even a failed mission.

As a player, it's essential to stay attentive and open to guidance from the game master. They are there to help you progress through the game and provide valuable hints that can prevent you from getting stuck or overlooking important information.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or clarification when you're unsure about something. Remember, the game master has a wealth of knowledge about the escape room and can offer insights that can significantly improve your chances of success.

By paying attention to the game master's hints and instructions, you'll not only enhance your overall experience but also increase your chances of escaping in time. So, the next time you find yourself in an escape room, make sure to keep an open mind and embrace the guidance provided by the game master.

After all, teamwork and skillful communication are the cornerstones of any successful escape room adventure.

Time Management Mistakes

Wasting time on unnecessary tasks

Time Management Mistakes

Wasting time on unnecessary tasks

One of the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms is getting caught up in seemingly easy puzzles. While it may seem like a no-brainer to solve these puzzles quickly, doing so can actually be counterproductive. By spending too much time on puzzles that are easy to solve, you're not only wasting valuable time but also potentially missing out on clues and hints related to more challenging puzzles.

Remember, the goal is to escape the room within the allotted time, not to solve every single puzzle perfectly. It's essential to prioritize tasks and work efficiently with your teammates. If you find yourself getting stuck on an easy puzzle, take a step back and assess the situation. Is there another puzzle or clue that might be more pressing? Are there any time-sensitive elements in the room that require immediate attention?

In the heat of the moment, it can be easy to lose focus and get bogged down by minor details. Stay calm, communicate with your team, and trust your instincts. By avoiding the trap of wasting time on unnecessary tasks, you'll be well on your way to a successful escape room experience.

Failing to prioritize tasks

In the thrilling world of escape rooms, time management can make or break your chances of success. One of the most common mistakes players make is failing to prioritize tasks. This can lead to valuable time being wasted on less critical puzzles or clues, which may ultimately cost you the game.

Falling into this trap often starts with the excitement of discovering new clues and puzzles. It's easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the bigger picture. However, in order to beat the clock and emerge victorious, it's crucial to keep your focus on the most pressing tasks at hand.

To avoid this mistake, it's essential to communicate with your teammates and come up with a clear plan of action. Assign roles and responsibilities based on each player's strengths, and ensure that everyone understands the importance of prioritizing the tasks that will lead to the next step in the escape room's storyline.

Remember, every second counts in an escape room. By staying organized, focused, and attentive to the most critical puzzles and clues, you'll be well on your way to cracking the case and escaping before time runs out.

Lack of Cooperation

Refusing to work together as a team

Lack of Cooperation

Refusing to work together as a team

One of the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms is not cooperating effectively as a team. This can lead to missed clues and delays in solving puzzles. A prime example of this is when team members ignore their colleagues' ideas or suggestions.

In the fast-paced environment of an escape room, every idea counts. Even if a suggestion seems unconventional or far-fetched, considering it could potentially lead to a breakthrough in solving a puzzle or uncovering a vital clue.

Remember, escape rooms are designed to challenge your problem-solving skills and encourage teamwork. By refusing to work together as a team, you're not only hindering your own progress but also that of your teammates.

Embrace the collaborative nature of escape rooms and encourage open communication among your group members. By doing so, you'll be better equipped to tackle the challenges that lie ahead and increase your chances of successfully completing the mission within the allotted time.

Hoarding or hiding resources

Lack of Cooperation

Hoarding or hiding resources

One common mistake people make in escape rooms is not sharing important tools or clues. In the rush to solve puzzles and complete the mission, some players may unintentionally hoard or hide resources from their teammates. This can lead to frustration and hinder the group's progress.

To avoid this pitfall, it's crucial to foster a cooperative environment from the start. Encourage open communication and remind everyone that the goal is to work together as a team. By sharing information and resources, you'll be able to solve challenges more efficiently and enjoy a smoother, more rewarding escape room experience.

Remember, the key to success in any escape room is teamwork and collaboration. So, leave your competitive instincts at the door and focus on supporting your fellow players. After all, isn't the thrill of overcoming obstacles and escaping together what makes escape rooms so much fun?

Overthinking and Analysis Paralysis

Overanalyzing clues and puzzles

Overthinking and Analysis ParalysisOveranalyzing clues and puzzles

In the fast-paced world of escape rooms, one common pitfall that can hinder your progress is the tendency to overanalyze clues and puzzles. While it's essential to be observant and thorough, getting stuck on a single puzzle for too long can prevent you from achieving your mission within the allotted time.

One prevalent mistake is fixating on a particular clue or puzzle to the point of obsession. When you find yourself spending an excessive amount of time on a single aspect, it's crucial to take a step back and reassess the situation. Engage your teammates and discuss the information you've gathered so far. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can reveal hidden connections that you may have overlooked.

Don't be afraid to ask for hints or assistance from the game masters. They are there to ensure you have an enjoyable and immersive experience. Seeking help doesn't mean you're not smart enough to solve the puzzle; it demonstrates your willingness to work as a team and your commitment to achieving your objective.

Remember, communication and collaboration are key to successfully navigating an escape room. By avoiding the trap of overanalyzing, you'll be well on your way to unlocking the secrets of the Overgrown escape room and escaping the clutches of the undead.

Failing to recognize patterns or connections

Overthinking and Analysis Paralysis

Failing to recognize patterns or connections

One of the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms is not recognizing patterns or connections between clues. This can lead to missed opportunities and wasted time. In the pursuit of solving puzzles and finding the key to escape, players may become so focused on the details that they overlook the bigger picture.

In the Overgrown escape room, for example, players may be so intent on deciphering individual clues that they miss the underlying patterns that lead to the cure for zombification. By failing to recognize these connections, they risk losing valuable time that could be spent on other puzzles and challenges.

Similarly, in the Principal's Escape Room, players might become so engrossed in cracking codes and solving puzzles that they neglect the importance of uncovering the hidden side of their school. This oversight may prevent them from fully grasping the story of Principal Li and understanding the true nature of their mission.

To avoid this pitfall, players should aim to strike a balance between attention to detail and maintaining a broader perspective. This can be achieved by taking a step back from individual clues and considering them in the context of the overall theme and storyline of the escape room.

In addition to recognizing patterns and connections, players should also communicate frequently and openly with their teammates. By sharing their thoughts and observations, they can help one another see the bigger picture and avoid becoming mired in analysis paralysis.

Remember, in an escape room, every second counts. Don't let the fear of missing a detail overshadow the importance of recognizing patterns and connections. With a keen eye for detail and a broader perspective, you and your teammates can work together to overcome the challenges and emerge victorious from your escape room adventure.

Carelessness and Rushing

Making careless mistakes

In the fast-paced world of escape rooms, it's easy to get caught up in the adrenaline rush and make careless mistakes. One of the most common errors players make is misreading clues or instructions. This seemingly harmless oversight can lead to precious time wasted and, at times, the inability to progress through the game.

As you navigate your way through the various escape room themes, from post-apocalyptic to holiday-themed, keep a keen eye on the clues and instructions provided. Take the time to carefully read and understand each piece of information. Remember, communication is key when working with your teammates. Discuss your findings, and collaborate to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Avoid the temptation to rush through the game, as carelessness can lead to missed opportunities and a potentially frustrating experience. Instead, approach each challenge with a clear, focused mindset. By doing so, you'll not only increase your chances of successfully completing the escape room but also create lasting memories with your friends and family.

So, the next time you find yourself immersed in an escape room adventure, remember to stay calm, read carefully, and communicate effectively with your team. These simple strategies will help you avoid careless mistakes and ultimately lead to a more enjoyable and satisfying escape room experience.

Rushing through puzzles or tasks

Carelessness and Rushing

Rushing through puzzles or tasks

One of the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms is rushing through puzzles or tasks. While it's essential to stay focused and efficient, moving too quickly can lead to overlooking critical details or steps. This can result in valuable time wasted, as teams may need to backtrack and retrace their steps.

In the midst of the adrenaline-fueled excitement, it's crucial to remember that patience and attention to detail are vital components of success in an escape room. Take a moment to analyze each puzzle or task before jumping in headfirst. Encourage your teammates to do the same, as having multiple sets of eyes can help ensure that no crucial information is missed.

Remember, escape rooms are designed to challenge your problem-solving skills and encourage teamwork and communication. By taking the time to carefully examine each puzzle or task, you and your teammates will be better equipped to navigate the thrilling adventure that awaits you at Escape Room Era in Anaheim.

Inadequate Preparation

Arriving late or unprepared

Inadequate Preparation

Arriving late or unprepared

One of the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms is arriving late or unprepared. This can negatively impact the overall experience and the chances of success. To avoid this, it's essential to familiarize yourself with escape room rules and etiquette.

First and foremost, make sure to arrive at the escape room venue on time. Being punctual allows you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and make the most of your hour-long adventure. Additionally, it's crucial to read through the escape room's guidelines and rules before your visit. This will not only ensure a smoother experience but also help you respect the game's boundaries and avoid any potential misunderstandings with the staff or fellow players.

Furthermore, it's a good idea to discuss your expectations and goals with your team before entering the escape room. This will not only help you understand each other's strengths and weaknesses but also foster teamwork and collaboration, which are essential ingredients for success in any escape room challenge.

In summary, arriving late or unprepared can significantly hinder your experience and chances of success in an escape room. By familiarizing yourself with the rules and etiquette, arriving on time, and communicating with your team, you'll be better equipped to tackle the challenges that await you in the Escape Room Era.

Not dressing appropriately for the room

One of the most common mistakes people make when entering an escape room is not dressing appropriately for the room. This can lead to discomfort, distraction, and even injury in some cases. To ensure you have the best possible experience, consider the following tips when selecting your outfit:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable clothing or shoes: Opt for comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that won't restrict your movement. This is especially important if you're participating in a physically demanding escape room, such as one with a post-apocalyptic or horror theme. Additionally, choose shoes with good grip and support, as you may be required to crawl, climb, or even run during the game.
  2. Forgetting about temperature: Escape rooms can sometimes be located in spaces with fluctuating temperatures. Be sure to dress in layers so you can easily adjust to any changes in temperature throughout the game.
  3. Overlooking safety concerns: Some escape rooms may have specific safety requirements, such as closed-toe shoes or long pants. Always double-check the guidelines provided by the escape room to ensure you're dressed appropriately and safely.

By taking the time to dress comfortably and appropriately for your chosen escape room, you'll be better prepared to tackle the challenges ahead and fully immerse yourself in the exciting world of escape games.

Emotional Outbursts and Stress

Getting frustrated or angry

When it comes to escape rooms, the thrill of the challenge can sometimes lead to heightened emotions. One of the most common mistakes people make is allowing frustration or anger to take over. This emotional outburst can lead to a loss of focus, causing players to make unnecessary mistakes.

In the fast-paced environment of an escape room, it's essential to maintain a clear head and remain calm under pressure. When emotions run high, it becomes increasingly difficult to think critically and solve the puzzles and riddles before you.

Remember, escape rooms are meant to be fun and engaging experiences. Allow yourself to enjoy the challenge, and don't let your emotions cloud your judgment. By staying focused and keeping a level head, you'll be better equipped to tackle the obstacles and puzzles that await you in the escape room.

So, the next time you find yourself in an escape room, remind yourself to stay calm and collected. Embrace the challenge, and remember that the key to success often lies in maintaining a clear and focused mindset.

Giving up too easily

Emotional Outbursts and Stress

Giving up too easily

One of the most common mistakes people make in escape rooms is giving up too easily. It's essential to understand that not every puzzle will be solved quickly, and it's normal to feel stuck at times. The key to avoiding this pitfall is to maintain a positive mindset and persevere.

Often, the solution to a challenging puzzle lies in communication and collaboration with your teammates. Encourage each other to keep trying alternative solutions (['1. Not persevering and trying alternative solutions']) and remember that every successful escape room team has faced similar obstacles.

In addition to staying persistent, it's crucial to manage stress levels while navigating through the escape room. High-pressure situations can sometimes lead to emotional outbursts, which can ultimately hinder the team's progress. To prevent this, take deep breaths, remind yourselves of the fun you're having, and trust that your team can overcome any challenge that comes your way.

Remember, the escape room experience is meant to be enjoyable and mentally stimulating. So, embrace the challenges, work together as a team, and keep pushing yourselves until you successfully crack the codes, solve the puzzles, and complete your mission!


Recap of common mistakes and their consequences

In conclusion, a successful escape room experience relies heavily on avoiding common mistakes. These mistakes not only hinder your progress but also diminish the overall enjoyment of the game. Some of the most common errors include overlooking crucial clues, getting sidetracked by red herrings, neglecting communication within your team, and failing to manage time effectively.

By being mindful of these pitfalls, you can significantly improve your chances of escaping the room within the allotted time frame. Remember, the key to conquering an escape room lies not only in your problem-solving skills but also in your ability to work collaboratively with your teammates. So, the next time you find yourself trapped in an escape room, keep these six tips in mind and embark on a thrilling adventure that will leave you eager for more!

Tips for avoiding these mistakes and maximizing success in escape rooms


Tips for avoiding these mistakes and maximizing success in escape rooms

To make the most of your escape room experience, follow these tips to avoid common pitfalls and increase your chances of success.

  1. Communicate Effectively: In the heat of the moment, it's easy to forget to communicate with your teammates. Keep everyone informed about the clues you find, and don't hesitate to ask for help when you're stuck. A well-oiled communication machine can make all the difference in escaping the room.
  2. Stay Calm and Focused: Escape rooms are designed to be challenging, but panicking will only hinder your ability to solve puzzles and find clues. Take a deep breath, maintain a clear head, and work through the challenges methodically.
  3. Divide and Conquer: Don't let your team's efforts be redundant. Assign different tasks to each member, ensuring that everyone is working on unique aspects of the game. This way, you'll cover more ground and increase your chances of success.
  4. Pay Attention to Details: Clues and puzzles in escape rooms often require a keen eye for detail. Be thorough in your search for clues, and don't dismiss seemingly insignificant items or patterns. Sometimes, the smallest detail can hold the key to your escape.
  5. Use Time Wisely: Time is of the essence in escape rooms, so make sure you're not wasting precious seconds. Keep an eye on the clock and prioritize tasks based on their potential impact on your progress. Remember, it's better to make incremental progress than to spend too much time on one particular puzzle.
  6. Practice Beforehand: While each escape room will present its own unique challenges, practicing problem-solving skills and puzzles can help improve your overall performance. This can be done through online escape room games or by participating in local puzzle-solving events.

By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to navigate the challenges of an escape room and maximize your chances of success. So, gather your team, put your problem-solving skills to the test, and enjoy the thrilling experience that awaits you at Escape Room Era in Anaheim!

Communication Errors

Not communicating effectively with team members

Communication Errors

Not communicating effectively with team members

In the thrilling world of escape rooms, communication is the key to success. At Escape Room Era, our interactive games and clues are designed to foster communication and collaboration among team members. However, one common mistake people make is not communicating effectively with their team.

To avoid this pitfall, remember to keep your teammates in the loop. Share your discoveries and insights with them, as a collective brainstorming session can lead to breakthroughs that might have been missed otherwise. Encourage open dialogue, and don't be afraid to ask for help or offer assistance when needed.

Effective communication isn't just about speaking up; it's also about being an active listener. Pay attention to your teammates' ideas and suggestions, and be willing to consider different perspectives and approaches. This collaborative mindset can make all the difference in solving puzzles and cracking codes within the allotted time.

So, the next time you dive into an escape room adventure at Escape Room Era, remember the importance of clear and open communication. By working together and leveraging each other's strengths, you'll be well on your way to escaping the room and conquering the challenge at hand.

Time Management Mistakes

Wasting time on unnecessary tasks

Time Management Mistakes

Wasting time on unnecessary tasks

When it comes to escape rooms, every second counts. Escape Room Era offers a variety of escape games, each with its own unique theme and level of difficulty. This diverse range of games allows players to choose a game that matches their skill set, minimizing wasted time.

One common mistake players make is focusing too much on unnecessary tasks. In the heat of the moment, it's easy to get sidetracked by red herrings or overcomplicate a simple puzzle. To avoid wasting valuable time, it's essential to stay focused on the main objective and prioritize tasks that directly contribute to your mission's success.

Remember, the key to conquering an escape room is teamwork and communication. Encourage your fellow players to stay on track and avoid getting bogged down in minor details. By working together and keeping a clear focus on the mission at hand, you'll be one step closer to escaping the room and claiming victory.

Lack of Cooperation

Refusing to work together as a team

Lack of Cooperation
Refusing to work together as a team

In escape rooms like those offered by Escape Room Era, collaboration is key to success. Their immersive storylines and engaging puzzles are designed to encourage teamwork and cooperation among players. However, some people make the mistake of refusing to work together as a team.

This can be detrimental to the overall experience, as it hinders the group's ability to solve puzzles and progress through the escape room. Instead of refusing to work together, players should embrace the opportunity to collaborate with their teammates.

By pooling their collective knowledge, skills, and ideas, players can more effectively tackle the challenges presented by the escape room. This not only increases the chances of successfully completing the mission but also enhances the overall enjoyment of the experience.

Remember, escape rooms are meant to be a fun and engaging group activity. So, leave your competitive spirit at the door and focus on working together as a team. After all, the most rewarding experiences are those that are shared with others.

Inadequate Preparation

Arriving late or unprepared

Inadequate Preparation

Arriving late or unprepared

Timing is everything when it comes to escape rooms, especially if you want to fully immerse yourself in the experience. At Escape Room Era, we understand that life can be hectic, but showing up late or unprepared can severely impact your ability to solve puzzles and have a good time.

Fortunately, Escape Room Era's convenient location at 3365 E Miraloma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92806, USA, makes it easy for players to arrive on time and well-prepared. By leaving yourself ample time to navigate through traffic and find parking, you can ensure that you don't miss out on any valuable gameplay.

Moreover, taking a few minutes to quickly research the escape room you'll be participating in can provide you with valuable insights into the gameplay, themes, and challenges you'll encounter. This way, you can come prepared with the right mindset and strategies to tackle the puzzles and clues head-on.

In addition to arriving on time, make sure you've also considered any physical or mental limitations you may have. For example, some escape rooms may require crawling through tight spaces or solving puzzles that require a sharp memory. By being aware of these potential challenges, you can discuss any concerns with your teammates and work together to overcome them.

Ultimately, the key to having a successful and enjoyable escape room experience is to arrive on time, well-prepared, and with a positive attitude. By doing so, you'll be able to fully immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Escape Room Era and make the most of your adventure.

Emotional Outbursts and Stress

Getting frustrated or angry

Emotional Outbursts and Stress

A. Getting frustrated or angry

Escape rooms are designed to challenge and engage players, but it's essential to maintain a level head to avoid getting frustrated or angry. Escape Room Era offers a variety of escape room themes, including non-horror options like "Overgrown" and "Christmas at Franklins." These rooms provide a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, helping players stay calm and focused.

In the "Overgrown" escape room, for example, players take on the role of post-apocalyptic survivors searching for the cure to zombification. The setting itself may be intense, but the absence of horror elements allows players to concentrate on solving puzzles and cracking codes without the added stress of jump scares or other horror tropes.

Similarly, the "Christmas at Franklins" escape room offers a festive and lighthearted environment, perfect for those who want to avoid tense or stressful situations. In this room, players collaborate with their teammates to navigate their way out of Benjamin Franklin's Christmas-themed escape room, all while enjoying the holiday spirit.

By choosing escape rooms with themes that suit their preferences and comfort levels, players can better manage their emotions and stress during the game. This way, they can fully immerse themselves in the experience and work together with their teammates to achieve their mission.


In addition to the above tips, consider booking your escape room experience with Escape Room Era, where you can enjoy a variety of immersive escape games designed to maximize teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills while minimizing stress and frustration.


In addition to the above tips, consider booking your escape room experience with Escape Room Era, where you can enjoy a variety of immersive escape games designed to maximize teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills while minimizing stress and frustration.

Escape Room Era offers a unique, immersive experience that will challenge your teamwork and critical thinking skills. With a range of themes and difficulty levels, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Their escape games include:

  • 1. Overgrown: A post-apocalyptic adventure where your team must uncover the cure for zombification before it's too late.
  • 2. The Hide: A murder-mystery that will put your investigative skills to the test as you collect evidence against a suspected serial killer.
  • 3. Christmas at Franklins: A holiday-themed escape game that invites you to uncover Benjamin Franklin's latest invention.
  • 4. Principal's Escape Room: A school-themed escape game that challenges you and your partner to uncover the hidden side of your school and change your grades.

Experience the thrill of Escape Room Era with your friends, family, or coworkers. Book your escape room adventure today and put your problem-solving skills to the test!

Escape Room Era's Logo
Escape Room Era Team
March 19, 2024
5 min read

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