Well, you're in the right place! In this page, you will find full instructions on how to reach our Escape Games.
If you are looking for how to get to Escapade Games, click below.


3365 E Miraloma Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92806 USA

The address is located in Anaheim, California. We are located in the Miraloma Avenue, which can be accessed through the Rivedside Freeway.

We are close to many different businesses, including a dinner which we see customers frequent after their Escape Games, Alea's Cafe.

There is dedicated parking space for our customers.

What if I don't have a car?

There are 2 bus-stops very near our location: Miralomoma-Miller and Miller-Miralona. The 123 (GoldenWest - Anaheim Canyon) bus services both stops every hour, from 4:30 AM to 21 PM. You can find more details here.